Friday, June 13, 2008

Cloverfield (2008)

As my first act of "Blogger God", I shall review what is possibly the most fun film of the year. I have seen the film three times total (two in theatre, one at home), and I love almost everything about it. Almost...
But first the pros. I'm fine that the characters had little development (who would have time to reminisce in this situation). If you have a problem with that kinda stuff, then you're ridiculous (no offense). The set design is perfection. The monster is horrifying. The ending...somewhat disappointing. Not the depressing final scene (how appropriately un-Hollywood); I actually enjoyed that a lot. But, seriously, these people are machines!!! I mean, a stake to the heart could kill a vampire, but not the flirty, venerable, conflicted Beth...
In the end, that is all that bothered me. This exercise in creative thinking mixes the uncertainty of the Blair Witch Project with the pure fun of Godzilla, adding a little of The Mist's cynicism. Watch it now!
My grade: A-

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